Siddharth Dasgupta Poems<br>Volume 2 | Issue 6 [October 2022]

Siddharth Dasgupta Poems
Volume 2 | Issue 6 [October 2022]

In the distant mirage noir of a dream, I see Grandma trading family recipes and secret ingredients with the profound blue evermore. The specific marination of crabs—vinegar, mustard oil, turmeric, garlic, red chillies, and that strange Aegean murmur of long-ago brine. A revelation of lobsters—deshelled, unfanged—... — Siddharth Dasgupta
Suranjana Choudhury Songs<br>Volume 2 | Issue 6 [October 2022]

Suranjana Choudhury Songs
Volume 2 | Issue 6 [October 2022]

সাধের লাউ বানাইলো মোরে বৈরাগী লাউ এর আগা খাইলাম ডোগা গো খাইলাম লাউ দিয়া বানাইলাম ডুগডুগি, ও আমার লাউ দিয়া বানাইলাম ডুগডুগি সাধের লাউ বানাইলো মোরে বৈরাগী ও সাধের লাউ বানাইলো মোরে বৈরাগী লাউ এর এতো মধু,জানে গো জাদু এতো মধু গো..... — Suranjana Choudhury
Photo Essay  <br>Volume 2 | Issue 4 [August 2022]

Photo Essay
Volume 2 | Issue 4 [August 2022]

She sat there a little perplexed, wrapped in red and gold, a bride since yesterday. Her smile, gummy and a bit yellow, reached her eyes and her nose crinkled slightly if she held it for long. I hovered nearby. I was the keeper of gifts, observant and meticulous for someone who had just hit her teens... — Barnali Ray Shukla
Photo Essay <br>Volume 2 | Issue 4 [August 2022]

Photo Essay
Volume 2 | Issue 4 [August 2022]

She sat there a little perplexed, wrapped in red and gold, a bride since yesterday. Her smile, gummy and a bit yellow, reached her eyes and her nose crinkled slightly if she held it for long. I hovered nearby. I was the keeper of gifts, observant and meticulous for someone who had just hit her teens... — Barnali Ray Shukla
Eating in Amritsar<br>Volume 2 | Issue 3 [July 2022]

Eating in Amritsar
Volume 2 | Issue 3 [July 2022]

My father lived in England, while working on his PhD in Ophthalmology in the year 1955. Being far away from his family made him lonesome not only for his children, but also for his wife’s cooking skills. Despite the meagre stipend he received, his family sailed to London on a ship named the M.S. Batory. I was four years old... — Neelam Mansingh Chowdhry
Critical Digestion<br>Volume 2 | Issue 2 [June 2022]

Critical Digestion
Volume 2 | Issue 2 [June 2022]

Bengalis cannot imagine life without digestive problems. The practices of their everyday life includes detailed descriptions about ambol, gaa goolono, delicate stomach, and of course gastric. Gastric, as far as Bengalis are concerned, is an organ in the body, next to the stomach, connected to the gut, attached to the gall bladder, liver and esophagus, and causes everything from bile to vile... — Sangeeta Ray
The Cartography of My Gut<br>Volume 2 | Issue 2 [June 2022]

The Cartography of My Gut
Volume 2 | Issue 2 [June 2022]

There are my scientific reasons for this – one being that a lot of the body’s serotonin is produced by gut bacteria. When there is an imbalance in the stomach, there is an imbalance in how the human mind works, how your heart feels. When the fight between the good and the bad fails in your gut, the rest of your body suffers... — Arathi Devandran
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