My Mother’s Tongue <br>Volume 3 | Issue 2 [June 2023]

My Mother’s Tongue
Volume 3 | Issue 2 [June 2023]

Like a culinary sutradhar, my mother wields her art with fierce precision, skill, and unyielding aesthetics. All these years later, her prized Noritake China set that she bought with her hard-earned savings, still lies intact, not so much as a chip on the gravy boat. This has little to do with the luxuries of inherited crockery or generational irony. Rather, it is about a girl and her... — Kirtana Kumar
Mixed Hunting Party <br>Volume 3 | Issue 1 [May 2023]

Mixed Hunting Party
Volume 3 | Issue 1 [May 2023]

I was perhaps in the 4th standard; we were on the ground playing. The bell had rung, but I hadn’t moved; I had noticed a bird in the sky, it wasn’t moving either; it was still – suspended in the air. All of a sudden it fell, like a stone, and, within a split second, hit the ground. I was shocked, I thought it was injured... — Peeyush Sekhsaria
A Greek eats Indian food <br>Volume 2 | Issue 12 [April 2023]

A Greek eats Indian food
Volume 2 | Issue 12 [April 2023]

In the middle of bringing dishes of unidentifiable delicacies to the table, she stopped and frowned. Oh, I’m sorry, I’m all out of yoghurt, she said. That’s fine, I blithely replied, wondering why yoghurt was so important all of a sudden. As a child in Montreal, I had admired Indian ladies in saris – the only people... — Joanne Nezi
Essay by Rituparna Sengupta <br>Volume 2 | Issue 11 [March 2023]

Essay by Rituparna Sengupta
Volume 2 | Issue 11 [March 2023]

Summers at home in Kolkata are yellow. Mangoes don’t grow in our garden; our garden grows in and around mangoes. By early March, soft green leaves appear, soon followed by bunches of mango flowers, their lovely little bouquets all over the tree. Spring is incomplete without admiring the sight of the first few baby mangoes and leaning over from the terrace ... — Rituparna Sengupta
Essay by Nabanita Sengupta <br>Volume 2 | Issue 11 [March 2023]

Essay by Nabanita Sengupta
Volume 2 | Issue 11 [March 2023]

Unlike most middle and upper-class Bengali households, we did not grow up with fish. There were days when we did not have it at all. So whenever we visited our family home in the suburbs of Kolkata, our meals would begin with jethima, my aunt, expressing her concern about how fish-starved we were – ‘How will you get your nutrition?’ was her constant ... — Nabanita Sengupta
On a Sour Note <br>Volume 2 | Issue 10 [February 2023]

On a Sour Note
Volume 2 | Issue 10 [February 2023]

It was a time when Showaddywaddy, the rock & roll revival band, was topping the pop music charts. I was the proud owner of their LP record and the hit single “Under the Moon of Love” had craftily manoeuvred itself into the core of my being even as the periodic brick would crash through a window pane of our modest ... — Gautam Pemmaraju
Women, Food and Cooking<br>Volume 2 | Issue 8 [December 2022]

Women, Food and Cooking
Volume 2 | Issue 8 [December 2022]

Decades ago, I was invited by Virago to contribute to an anthology on food. The contributors, all women, included Virginia Woolf, Doris Lessing, Margaret Atwood, Margaret Drabble, Germaine Greer and many others. When the book came to me, my first feeling was of jubilation... — Shashi Deshpande
Poems by Gayatri<br>Volume 2 | Issue 6 [October 2022]

Poems by Gayatri
Volume 2 | Issue 6 [October 2022]

'Sabbe sankhara dukkha, Sabbe sankhara aniccya, Sabbe sankhara annata’ - the Buddha said. These (in Pali) are the trilakshana, or three marks of existence, characteristics common to all arising phenomena, the sankharas. Dukkha, suffering, is the first. Aniccya, impermanence, is the second... — Gayatri
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