Please Can I Have Some More: My Troubled Relationship with Food Portions<br>Volume 4 | Issue 3 [July 2024]

Please Can I Have Some More: My Troubled Relationship with Food Portions
Volume 4 | Issue 3 [July 2024]

I was irritated after the dinner party. Or more like, hangry. After hours of chatting and drinking wine, our hosts served us measly portions of dal, chawal, and chicken curry at midnight. I shovelled spoons into my mouth and glared at my husband – they were his friends after all. I couldn’t enjoy the meal; all I kept thinking was – How could they call us over and feed us so little ... — Sangeetha Bhaskaran
The Pice Hotels of Kolkata<br>Volume 4 | Issue 2 [June 2024]

The Pice Hotels of Kolkata
Volume 4 | Issue 2 [June 2024]

I discovered the term ‘pice hotel’ when I started writing my research proposal on food and public eating in Kolkata. Before that, it had only been ‘bhaat-er hotel,’ ‘rice hotel’, a place where rice is the staple on the menu. Living a hundred kilometres away from Kolkata, my first experience of eating in a pice hotel was clearly purpose-driven: a KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) entrance when I was still in school, for which I had to travel to Kolkata, the examination centre closest to... — Srijita Biswas
DIGESTING SUMMERS IN MADRAS, THE 60s & 70s<br>Volume 4 | Issue 1 [May 2024]

Volume 4 | Issue 1 [May 2024]

It was always the coconut trees that signaled it, but you had to pay attention. The oppressive heat and stifling torpor of a summer afternoon in Madras were enough to mute the incessant cawing of crows and still the wind into submission. But around 3 or 4 pm, you could sense the palm fronds stirring listlessly, just for a few seconds. It was ... — Karpagam Rajagopal
Foraging in Dadri: Where Tradition Becomes a Path to Sustenance<br>Volume 3 | Issue 12 [April 2024]

Foraging in Dadri: Where Tradition Becomes a Path to Sustenance
Volume 3 | Issue 12 [April 2024]

Growing up in the 2000s, I never quite understood my grandmother’s complaints about the saag and makki ki roti my mom prepared during winters. To me, the combination of saag with generous amounts of white butter was nothing short of heavenly. Changes in the taste of pulses or vegetables were elusive concepts, and it wasn’t until recently that I began to truly appreciate ... — Tanishqa Vaish
The tea was not good enough<br>Volume 3 | Issue 11 [March 2024]

The tea was not good enough
Volume 3 | Issue 11 [March 2024]

Mr. Singh slowed down as the crowd started to get thicker in the market area of Sector 15 but he was still moving faster than the crowd in general, stopping only to look back with raised eyebrows for someone who might be following him. He had been walking briskly, running almost, for the last fifteen minutes or so, crossing the entire stretch of the relatively deserted GV Road. He was in his late fifties and this ... — Rahul Singh
Parotta and Beef Fry<br>Volume 3 | Issue 11 [March 2024]

Parotta and Beef Fry
Volume 3 | Issue 11 [March 2024]

‘How far is he?’ Rahul asked. Arun looked at his phone. ‘He’ll be there in five minutes. I’m so hungry.’ ‘Me too.’ Arun felt his mouth water as he thought about the parotta and beef fry they had ordered. He couldn’t wait to dig in. He looked at his phone again. The food delivery app was open, and it seemed like the delivery person was getting delayed. ‘I can’t wait to try it ... — Nileena Sunil
Cooking Banana Flower Usuli and Vengaya Kuzhambu <br>Volume 3 | Issue 11 [March 2024]

Cooking Banana Flower Usuli and Vengaya Kuzhambu
Volume 3 | Issue 11 [March 2024]

Mangai boiled milk, gazing out of the window. The jasmine creeper by the kitchen ledge was in full bloom. The mild smell of the flowers mingled with the smell of coffee. She rinsed the coffee cup in the backyard tap and walked to the thicket at the far end of the garden. Gathering white and magenta bougainvillea, she arranged them in a dark corner of the living room. Removing all other ... — Uma Gowrishankar
Of biscuits, broken and whole <br>Volume 3 | Issue 10 [February 2024]

Of biscuits, broken and whole
Volume 3 | Issue 10 [February 2024]

At the window of a ground floor flat in Calcutta (this was 1966), a very small child with big eyes sits, biting into a thin arrowroot biscuit. She is engrossed in the life bustling right outside the window. When the crow alights onto the window sill, she freezes. The crow is as large as she is. In a blink, the bird has grabbed the biscuit through the window grille and has made its ... — Manjari Chakravarti
Onam Sadhya <br>Volume 3 | Issue 9 [January 2024]

Onam Sadhya
Volume 3 | Issue 9 [January 2024]

What can a Malayali writer think about when asked to write about food and eating? The answer is, inevitably, the Onam festival and its famous feast, the sadhya. A typical image the advent of Onam evokes is that of the sumptuous Malayali sadhya spread out over fresh green plantain leaves, packed with colours as vivid as the shades on a Kathakali actor’s elaborate costume and ... — Shashi Tharoor
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